Tuesday, June 24, 2008


-This is the Video:

The only part that I didn't do in the video is this:
and when I finsihed and saved it the size was 373mb, so compressing it with Adobe Primiere wont do that much, so I used another program called Riva FLV Encoder it reduced its size to 11.2mb AWESOME!!

-This is the Poster:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Start

I'm gonna start with the hard part first and that's gonna be the video ad.

First of all, I'll search for videos in youtube and other websites. Since some videos cannot be downloaded/captured by RealPlayer I'm gonna search for an alternative software.

Secondly, I'll cut what I need from the captured videos and remove the sound from it.

Thirdly, I'll edit and combine these videos and add some music. Thats all =).

The Backup Plan: If things didn't go well, I'll just add pictures and music.

The Ad idea

My advertisement is going to be about Toyota.

Why did I choose Toyota?
1- Its one of the best companies that applies KM in its system, so researching about this company is going to be interesting.
2- Car advertising is somehow easy.
3- I have another assignment so I'll include Toyota in it too, its like hitting 2 birds with one stone :p.